Monday, February 23, 2009

Frustrations on a Monday

Trying to reach someone at the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations is an exercise in futility! The problem is not that you have to wait on hold, listening to obnoxious music or recorded messages thanking you for your patience. That, I could deal with. The problem is that you get a busy signal! All day long, everytime you call, a busy signal. And it's not due to a freakish system failure. This is just the way it is.
I know this from experience.

Meanwhile, the paper piles on my desk grew larger today, not smaller.

And so it seems like a good time to revisit a favorite poem of mine,
by Dilys Laing:
I put down my book
The Meaning of Zen
And see the cat smiling into her fur
as she delicately combs it with her rough pink tongue.
'Cat, I would lend you this book to study
but it appears that you have already read it.'
She looks up and gives me her full gaze.
'Don't be ridiculous,' she purrs. 'I wrote it.'

1 comment:

  1. I was scanning your blog and some how came across your old puppy mill investigation of Lonewold Kennels. I purchased a little shih-tzu from a pet store in Webster MA Elite Puppies. Monday I vetted my precious little one and the Vet told me she had no muscle mass and was very unhealthy, hypothemic. Advised me to return my little one- I did and have been heart broken and physically ill ever sense. found your info on Lonewolf took it to the pet store. the owner was not available. I was shocked at the video and I am awaiting a call from her. If I do not hear from her by tomorrow I am going to call the ASPCA. She said she was going to put her in a shelter. I thought I would die. I now want to know where she is and want to know she hasn't been sold to another. I also want to help with her vet care. I was told I returned her and I no longer have any rights. I said I will call the ASPCA. The pain I went through in returning this Child of Fur and not knowing if they resold her or really did as they said is making me ill. I feel they should be shut down as I think they must know the truth about Lonewolf. I found out in one sitting in research. Thanks for the information. My heart is broken and how do you define LOVE * when it is taken AWAY!!!


Fern 9/18/09 - Day After Rescue

Fern 9/21/09 - Four Days After Rescue