Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Update on Case 1

Keep in mind that I have no firsthand knowledge of the incident at Legends, and am only reporting what I've been told by a variety of individuals.

I believe that the following explanation of the incident is what was provided to the Police when they investigated: The goose charged the man. The man hit the goose with the golf club, and the goose backed off (positive reinforcement for the man's response). When the goose charged a second time, the man applied the same technique. Unfortunately and accidently, this second blow was fatal, breaking the goose's neck. Thus, the conclusion that no crime was committed.

I've been told that the US Fish & Wildlife Service briefly looked into the matter and upon learning the facts above, concluded its investigation.

I spoke with a representative of the Enforcement Division of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, who said that he would follow up and obtain the status of any US F&W investigation. He essentially acknowledged that no penalty would be forthcoming if it was determined that the man acted in "self defense."


  1. Thank you for this update. How distressful to know there's no legal recourse here.

  2. I golf here and I know for a fact that the man who killed the goose had a valid reason. the geese there are overly aggressive whether they are protecting their young or not. I've encountered geese there that charge at people and what I've seen that works is simply holding up you club in a threatening position and they will back down.

  3. There is no valid reason to kill a goose. Perhaps you should find another golf course.


Fern 9/18/09 - Day After Rescue

Fern 9/21/09 - Four Days After Rescue